Dating Tips – SOUL MATE TALK Moving

Soul Mate TalkYes, We’re Moving!  Effective October 31, 2102

Not to worry…I’m just going to the platform.  It provides a lot more freedom and flexibility than the .com platform.

So, you will still get the same dynamic content as here, just in a different place…so go to the NEW SOUL MATE TALK now and subscribe so that you can stay in the loop with the latest and greatest opinions and dating tips for building a successful relationship.

I will post on this blog until 10/31 and then remind you to follow me over to our NEW SOUL MATE TALK Blog – which by the way is still under construction!


Just for subscribing to the new blog, you will get FREE preview chapters of Before I Say I Do…Blissfully Single & Marriage-Minded

So, go now and get your free download and I can’t wait to see you other there!

Dating Tips and Advice: Speak in the Language She Understands

I have been away from my post and I’m sorry…but, I am a little caught up in the getting my new book “Before I Say I Do…” ready for release.  I’ll be announcing the winner of the Complimentary Signed Copy on Monday, October 1st.  So, I hope you subscribed to this blog for your chance to win!

Now for the topic at hand…

Recently, I experienced a bit of a “misunderstanding” with my beau.  Rather than become defensive, I sought to understand his point of view.  I always believe that when you try to understand, you in return will be understood by your partner.

Anyway, in previous conversations he affirmed his love and commitment.  I listened and didn’t doubt for a moment that he was telling me the truth.  But the real truth is we as women are believers of what we see demonstrated in our relationships.  We love receiving the affirmations, but we are over the top happy when he shows us his affection.  Am I right, ladies? Continue reading

FREE Kindle Download! A Woman Like Me…A Man Like You

Greetings, Faithful Subscribers…

Here is your link to download my Kindle eBook – A Woman Like Me…A Man Like You –

Look for upcoming book release of “Before I Say I Do…Blissfully Single & Marriage-Minded” – Mark your calendar for Oct. 1st !

Thanks for your positive comments, support, and inspiration!

BOOK RELEASE: “Before I Say I Do…Blissfully Single & Marriage-Minded”

It’s almost here!

A book about relationships that make to the altar…

A Spirit-guided tour of becoming “Blissfully Single & Marriage-Minded”(tm).   Spiritual Principles that transform you and your relationships.

Book Release, “BEFORE I SAY I DO…Blissfully Single & Marriage-Minded

September 14, 2012

Available through and Barnes and Noble


Let me ask you something…
If you were to propose to yourself, right now, would you say YES?
What would you being say YES to?
Would you marry yourself right now?

Attracting the “Perfect” life partner is not about seeking perfection in another person.
Neither is it about being perfect for them.
Marriage isn’t for everyone – or, is it?

The journey of finding true love begins within you!
Before you say “I Do” to anyone, you must first take a long hard look at yourself to see if there is anything that stands in the way of your ultimate happiness.

Hidden demons not faced…patterns of behavior that have stalled previous relationships…insecurities that you have not overcome.

The pathway to marriage begins with being blissfully single.

BEFORE I SAY I DO…Blissfully Single & Marriage-Minded opens Pandora’s Box and helps you discover your truest most loving gift – You!

Being your absolute best allows you to attract a partner that will reflect that back to you — Isn’t that what we all want?

Take this journey to become “Blissfully Single & Marriage-Minded!”(tm)

A Book About Relationships: “Before I Say I Do…” – Book Release 9/14

The final question of your single life will be asked at the alter as you stand before your chosen life partner.  You will listen attentively with the answer at your lips ready to blurt out “I DO!”  And, you will disappear into marital bliss…at least, that is what you hope.

Of course, I’m making light of this, as witnessing the marriage ceremony is a sacred affair.

Getting to that coveted spot before the officiant and your beloved is a journey that began with an encounter.  That is what my new book release is all about  – the journey to the all important question that will change your name (as a woman) and your life!

What do you do before you say “I Do”?

Find out on September 14, 2012 – Subscribe to this blog and become a Facebook Fan and you qualify to win One of 10 autographed copies of my new book “BEFORE I SAY I DO…The Journey from Singleness to Togetherness

In the comments section, or on our Facebook Fanpage, answer this question and it could be featured in the book BEFORE I SAY I DO…The Journey from Singleness to Togetherness

Question:  What was the most challenging change YOU had to make in your relationship to help it move to the “commitment” level?

Please keep it 250 words or less.




Whatever Makes You Happy…

Often times, we go into the relationship and dating arena expecting that the other person will make us happy.  We inadvertently place the responsibility upon them that they somehow are to magically make us happy.  Here’s a news flash!  “It is not the responsibility of another person to make us happy.”  We alone are responsible for our own happiness.  You may be thinking, “but, Kim, being with someone special makes me happy…”  —  Maybe so, but without that person, are you still happy?

Too many disappointments happen because we expect our happiness to be supplied from someone outside of ourselves.  When we come to the table filled with joy, happiness, and love, that is all we can give and that is all we expect to experience.

Sometimes, not all, we place the burden of our expectations on another when they are not equipped to handle them.  They haven’t filled themselves with all that we expect of them, so they are unable to deliver.  Then we become disappointed and start blaming them for our unhappiness.

Find your own happiness…within you!  Then, and only then can you move through your life experiencing the kind of relationship that is a match.  When we feel whole, complete, and ready, we will attract someone who is a reflection of those qualities.  Start appreciating within yourself the qualities that you seek in someone else, and when he/she appears you will see those qualities.  But, when you go in looking for deficiencies, you will see only that…and, let me remind you that when you are in this state, the person you attract will only magnify the deficient qualities you possess within yourself. (please feel free to reread this sentence, it’s a doozy!)

Whatever makes you happy…should be your mantra for yourself and your partner.  It is only in the state of individual attainment of happiness that you can experience a happy relationship together.  The only expectation you should make of anyone else is that they be happy…whatever that means to them.

A Woman Like Me…will seek to fulfill her life with all the love, joy, and happiness she can first realize on her own, because she knows that she will only attract who she is.

Relationships and Dating: Home Is Where the Heart Is…

Ahhhh!!! This feels like home…

This is the ultimate relationship experience; feeling like you’re home with the one you love.

Isn’t this the goal of the whole relRelationships and Datingationship and dating thing?

You have no inhibitions; you can express your feelings in a way that they know exactly how you feel without blame.  You both really enjoy being in each other’s company, most of the time.

At the end of the day, you know you’re with the right one…the only one for you!

Seems like a dream, but, it’s not…it’s possible for you even if you haven’t experienced it yet.  What I believe happens is when you get real and comfortable with yourself, it is easy to have this kind of “home” grown feeling with your partner.  How?  By releasing yourself from unreasonable expectations of what your relationship should be and accepting it for what it is…where it is in its growth.  Force never works!  It  acts as a man repellent and the minute he feels like you’re trying to convincing, coerce, or force the situation, he leaves emotionally and sometimes, physically.

Relaxing is key – even in the most stressful of situations…staying relaxed and calm will act like magnet to him and he will be attracted to your drama-free demeanor.  Trust me on this, Ladies, it is worth it to just keep your emotions in tact and help him to relax into you.  So that you both can create a space of comfort between you.  After, isn’t that what home is?  A place of comfort and security?  When we have a tough day at work, we can’t wait to get home where we can relax.  The same in our relationships — we look forward to the moment when we can curl and cuddle up in the arms of the one who makes us feel comfort and secure.

A Woman Like Me…relaxes, retreats, and restore balance, comfort, and security in the relationship even when things are in turmoil.  She allows her man to come home to her heart and rest.


Date Tips: Ladies, Learn to Be Charmingly Uncommitted

DateTips: Ladies, Learn to Be Charmingly UncommittedDating is an opportunity to learn more about what you want in a relationship.  The challenge for most women I have talked to about the subject are often starry-eyed when it comes to dating.  Most women have single-focused dating agendas, meaning they date someone once or twice and they have made a decision to be “mentally exclusive” with that person.  This very often leads to disappointment and heartbreak.

But, let’s take a look at dating in general.  Here are some date tips that will help you to view dating in a new way.  It’s really a way to open your life up to the opportunities of a commitment.  It means you haven’t locked yourself into your narrow view of what a relationship should look like.  It provides you with a chance to learn more about what is a fit for you in the long term. Continue reading

Lack of Intimacy – Keeping The Passion Alive!

Elderly Black CoupleIntimacy — we throw that word around quite a bit in our relationships, but what does it really mean?  Why is it that some couples have a lack of intimacy between them?  How can it be avoided, or can it?

These questions are usually posed after the acknowledgement that there is a lack of intimacy in a relationship.  So, let’s look at why intimacy can becomre an issue.  Let’s begin with how intimacy is defined and how it originates between two people.  At the very core of intimacy is trust, and trust stems from communication, usually verbally, but also with actions.  It is in our communication with our partners that we create connection.  That connection is strengthen with an ongoing feeling of trust and commitment.  Continue reading

My Alpha-Man: Take Charge, Take Care, Take Notice

SupermanMost women I know, there are exceptions, are really care-givers when it comes to the needs of other people.  We often want to make sure that everything is comfortable, okay, and drama-free.  When there is any upheaval, we instantly want to run to the rescue and “fix-it” so that normalcy is restored.

We are the same in our relationships…but, believe it or not, this has the reverse effect. Normalcy is not restored and the problems is worsened.  “Why is this?  Why can’t my wanting to help my man fix our relationship problems be a good thing?  Besides this is what I’m here for…to be his helpmeet, right?”  These are questions that we all ask ourselves at one time or another.

Most men, not all, are what we have come to term as “Alpha Men”. These are men who are strong leaders in every aspect of their lives.  They want to fix the problems, lead the direction of the relationship (at their pace), and make their women happy.  They are Super-Men wanting to save the day. Continue reading